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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Reconstructed sugar utilization pathways and newly assigned genes in Shewanella spp. Bacteria Shewanella spp. Table - link N/A 107281 Rodionov DA et al., Genomic...
Fraction of Pseudomonas spp. & Vibrio spp. out of all isolated bacteria from disease-free & bleached corals, respectively Coral Pseudomonas spp. out of disease-free corals 13%: Vibrio spp. out of bleached corals 30% % 113024 Rosenberg E, Koren O...
Ratio of cone to ganglion cells in central fovea macaque 1 cone/2 ganglion cells N/A 100708 Schein SJ. Anatomy of...
Properties of carboxysomes from Cyanobium spp. and Synechococcus spp. cells grown at high and low CO2 Cyanobacteria Table - link N/A 117048 Whitehead L, Long BM...
Capacitance change as molluscan neurons swell and shrink Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis ~0.7 µF/cm^2 110848 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Neuronal membrane has a mechanical resiliency enabling it to withstand membrane tensions exceeding Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis ~0.5 mN/m 110853 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Dynamic membrane tension measurements during swelling Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Table - link N/A 110852 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Dimensions of foveolar cone of middle-aged human Human Homo sapiens 2 width: >400 length μm 108247 Yuodelis C, Hendrickson...
Improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of each cone following coupling between foveal cones Ground squirrel Spermophilus tridecimlinatus ~80 % 117168 Bloomfield SA, Völgyi...
Peak of amplitude spectrum of the cone flash response Human Homo sapiens 5 to 10 Hz 107390 Baylor D. How photons...
Membrane addition rate on axon at growth cone in chick Chicken Gallus gallus ~50 µm^2/min 110855 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...
Distribution of sense cells of three functionally identified types in different parts of the body in ordinary wrinkled skin Roman snail Helix pomatia Table - link N/A 110605 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Membrane tension produced by a pressure difference of 2,500Pa in a cell with 10µm radius Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis 12.5 mN/m 110764 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Amount of photons necessary to excite a cone Human Homo sapiens 100 unitless 100710 Brain Facts and Figures...
Length of foveal cone outer segments in eye Human Homo sapiens 27 to 43 μm 109786 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Length of foveal cone outer segments in eye macaque 30 to 67 μm 109787 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Experimental determination of membrane tension Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis ≈0.1 mN/m 110765 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Difference in total solute concentrations between intracellular and extracellular compartments Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis ~4µM or ~0.001% N/A 110766 OS. Andersen, "Cellular...
Time for amplitude of cone early receptor potential to recover after illumination (half-life) Frog Rana pipiens 5 - 6 min 111400 Saari JC. Biochemistry...
Static force in control neurons Great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis 27.9 (±2.1) pN 110850 Dai J, Sheetz MP, Wan X...